Sun 1 Muharram 1446AH
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Pakistani Mountaineer Sirbaz Khan Conquers Mount Everest Without Oxygen Support

Source: Daily News

Pakistani mountaineer Sirbaz Khan has etched his name in history by scaling Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak, without using supplementary oxygen. This remarkable feat makes him the second Pakistani to achieve this challenging climb.

Thin air, don’t care!

Hailing from Hunza, Sirbaz Khan is no stranger to pushing boundaries. He already holds the distinction of being the first Pakistani to summit 11 of the world’s 14 mountains exceeding 8,000 meters without oxygen support.

In total, his career boasts the successful ascent of 13 such peaks, a testament to his exceptional physical and mental fortitude.

Climbing Everest without bottled oxygen presents a unique challenge due to the extremely thin air at high altitudes. Sirbaz’s success highlights his extraordinary physical and mental strength, allowing him to reach the summit without this vital aid.

Also read: Pakistani Mountaineer Naila Kiani Summits World’s Highest Peak Mount Everest

Despite facing setbacks earlier in his career, including a thwarted attempt on Shishapangma, Sirbaz has displayed unwavering determination and a relentless pursuit of reaching new heights in the world of mountaineering. His unwavering spirit and resilience have secured him a place among the world’s elite climbers.

Sirbaz Khan’s historic ascent of Everest not only adds another triumph to his impressive list of achievements but also brings immense pride to Pakistan.

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