Sun 1 Muharram 1446AH
Education Now

French Schools Send Dozens Of Girls Back Home On First Day For Wearing Abayas

Source: The Guardian

In a recent development, French schools made headlines as hundreds of Muslim girls were turned away on their very first day of school for wearing abayas, a traditional form of Islamic attire.

France bans abayas

This move comes in the wake of the French government’s decision to ban abayas and other religious symbols from public institutions, continuing their policy aimed at maintaining secularism in the country.

Source: Global Village Space
Source: Global Village Space

The ban on abayas in schools has sparked debate and controversy, with critics arguing that it infringes upon religious freedom and targets Muslim students. Advocates of the ban, on the other hand, assert that it upholds the principle of secularism and prevents religious symbols from influencing public spaces.

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The situation highlights the ongoing tension in France surrounding issues of religion and state, raising questions about the balance between individual religious expression and the French government’s commitment to secularism. It remains a complex and contentious issue, with no easy solutions in sight.

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