Mon, February 10, 2025
World Now

Indian Govt Dissolves All Military Cantonments Across The Country To Provide Benefit To The People

Source: Sabah

The Indian government has decided to abolish all cantonment boards, which were established during the British colonial era, and convert them into military stations. This decision has been taken to end the “archaic colonial legacies” and to provide better welfare schemes to civilians who were previously not able to access them through the municipality.

An end of the “British system” in India

The cantonment system was introduced by the British in the early 19th century to establish military stations in strategic locations throughout the country. However, over time, these cantonments became self-governing bodies that were not accountable to the local government. This often led to issues of corruption, mismanagement, and neglect of civic infrastructure.

Source: Daily Sabah
Source: Daily Sabah

By abolishing the cantonment boards and converting them into military stations, the government aims to provide better governance, transparency, and accountability to all stakeholders. Civilians living in these areas will now be able to avail themselves of various welfare schemes and services provided by the state government through the municipality.

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It won’t be wrong to say that this move by the Indian government is a positive step towards modernizing and reforming the outdated colonial-era system. It will not only benefit civilians but also strengthen the military’s relationship with the local community.

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