Thu 16 Rabi Al Awwal 1446AH
World Now

Protests Erupt in Indonesia as Parliament Delays Election Law Changes

Source: Al Jazeera

Thousands of people across Indonesia are protesting against proposed changes to the country’s election law. The demonstrations began after parliament postponed a vote on the controversial revisions, which are seen as favoring outgoing President Joko Widodo.

The planned changes would reverse a recent constitutional court decision, potentially blocking a government critic from running for Jakarta governor and allowing Widodo’s son to run in Java. The parliamentary session to approve the changes was delayed due to a lack of a quorum, according to legislator Habiburokhman.

Over 1,000 demonstrators gathered outside the parliament in Jakarta and in other cities, accusing President Widodo, known as Jokowi, of weakening democracy. In Semarang, police fired tear gas at the crowds.

“This is a republic, not an oligarchy,” said Afif Sidik, a teacher protesting in Jakarta.

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Legal experts and political analysts warn that the situation is close to a constitutional crisis. With regional election registrations opening next week, it is unclear if parliament will reconvene in time to pass the proposed changes.

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