Sun 1 Muharram 1446AH
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Saudi Arabia & Qatar Praise Ireland, Norway, Spain For Officially Recognizing The Palestinian State

Source: Al Jazeera

Saudi Arabia and Qatar have voiced their support for the recent decision by Ireland, Norway, and Spain to recognize the State of Palestine formally. This announcement comes amidst a complex web of diplomatic relations in the region.

Europe backs Palestine, Saudis cheer

In a recent statement, the Saudi Foreign Ministry expressed its “welcome of the positive decision” taken by the European nations.

The statement further emphasizes Saudi Arabia’s position on the issue, stating it as “affirming the international consensus on the inherent right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.” The Kingdom also urged other countries to follow suit and recognize Palestine.

Source: Al Arabiya
Source: Al Arabiya

This development aligns with Saudi Arabia’s long-standing stance as a champion of the Palestinian cause. It is important to note, however, that Saudi Arabia has not established formal diplomatic relations with Israel.

While Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman hinted at potential progress towards normalization in September 2023, such a move would likely be contingent upon concrete steps towards Palestinian statehood.

Also read: Jamaica Officially Recognizes Palestine As An Independent State

The European recognition of Palestine has been met with mixed reactions. Israel, unsurprisingly, reacted strongly in opposition. Conversely, the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation have both expressed support for the move, viewing it as a positive step towards a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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