Sun 1 Muharram 1446AH
Source: bernama
Tech Now

Chinese Company Successfully Completes First-Ever Drone Delivery To Mount Everest

In a ground-breaking achievement, China has successfully conducted the first-ever drone delivery tests on Mount Everest. This paves the way for a more efficient and safer future for high-altitude mountaineering, rescue missions, and environmental efforts on the world’s tallest peak. The tests involved a DJI FlyCart 30 drone, which transported essential supplies like oxygen bottles […]

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Source: Magzter
Tech Now

China Opens First-Ever AI Hospital Town To Treat Patients In Virtual World

Tsinghua University researchers in China have unveiled a groundbreaking initiative: the first-ever AI hospital town. This virtual environment features AI-generated doctors who diagnose and treat patients within a simulated setting. The “Agent Hospital,” as it’s called, utilizes intelligent agents powered by sophisticated language models. These agents autonomously manage virtual doctors, nurses, and patients. The primary […]

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Source: Pinterest
Health Now

Chinese Scientists Develop Potential Cure For Diabetes With Innovative Cell Therapy

In a potentially groundbreaking development, Chinese researchers have announced a successful case study involving a novel cell therapy treatment for diabetes. The research, led by Dr. Yin Hao of Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, offers a glimpse into the future of regenerative medicine for this chronic illness. Diabetes “Cure”? China Tests Cell Therapy The treatment involved transplanting […]

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Tech Now

Pakistan To Send Second Satellite In Collaboration With China For Digital Transformation

The Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (Suparco) has announced the upcoming launch of Pakistan’s latest communication satellite, PAKSAT MM1. Scheduled for lift-off on May 30th, 2024, from the XiChang Satellite Launch Centre in China, PAKSAT MM1 is a joint venture between Suparco and the China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC). Pakistan blasts off […]

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Source: Institute of Space Technology
Tech Now

Pakistan’s Maiden Lunar Mission ‘ICUBE-Q’ Sends First Image From Moon’s Orbit

Pakistan’s foray into lunar exploration reached a historic milestone as its inaugural lunar satellite, ICUBE-Qamar, transmitted its first-ever images from the lunar orbit. This achievement was announced by the National Space Agency, marking a significant advancement in the country’s space exploration endeavors. Pakistan’s ‘ICUBE-Qamar’ and China Part of China’s Chang’e-6 lunar mission, ICUBE-Qamar was launched […]

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Tech Now

Pakistan’s Historic Lunar Mission ‘ICUBE-Qamar’ Launched In Collaboration With China

Pakistan has taken a giant leap towards the moon with its historic lunar mission, ICUBE-Qamar. This groundbreaking project, developed by the Institute of Space Technology (IST) in collaboration with China’s Shanghai University and Pakistan’s space agency SUPARCO, was scheduled to launch on May 3rd (today) aboard China’s Chang’e 6 lunar probe. Pakistan’s mini-satellite takes off! […]

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Source: Al Jazeera
World Now

China Evacuates At Least 100,000 Citizens As Highest Rainstorm Warning Issued

Earlier this week, Southern China faced an unprecedented deluge as torrential rains and severe flooding forced the evacuation of over 100,000 people. The situation was dire with authorities issuing the highest-level rainstorm warning and bracing for potential floods unseen in a century. Ships sink, cities swamped: China battles extreme weather! On Tuesday, China’s megacity of […]

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Tech Now

Pakistan Gears Up To Launch CubeSat To The Moon Next Month In Collaboration With China

Pakistan is about to take a giant leap for mankind…well, a tiny leap anyway. The country is gearing up to launch its very own satellite, the ICUBE-Qamar (ICUBE-Q), to the moon as part of China’s upcoming Chang’e 6 mission. Small satellite, big mission! This isn’t your average satellite launch. Scheduled for the first week of […]

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Source: Pinterest
World Now

Chinese Company Introduces Innovative ‘Sad Leave’ Policy To Boost Employee Productivity

It’s time to forget the doctor’s note. Feeling down in the dumps? No worries. Employees at Fat Dong Lai, a supermarket chain in China, can now call in “sad” – literally. That’s right, they get ten days of “sad leave” a year, with no boss hassles. Call in “sad” at this Chinese mart! This quirky […]

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Source: Deccan Herald
Tech Now

Pakistan Partners With China To Launch Its First Mission To The Moon In 2024

Pakistan is set to make history in space exploration as it will soon embark on its first-ever mission to the far side of the moon in May 2024. The mission is a collaboration between the Institute of Space Technology (IST) and the Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO), in partnership with China’s Chang’e […]

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