Tue 26 Dhul Hijjah 1445AH
Source: Blogger.com
World Now

Muslims Are The Most Satisfied With Their Lives Compared To Other Religions: German Study

A new study conducted by the University of Mannheim in Germany has shed light on the connection between a sense of oneness and overall life satisfaction. The research, led by psychologist Laura Marie Edinger-Schons, found that people who hold a stronger belief in oneness, the idea that everything in the world is interconnected, tend to […]

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Source: Geo.tv
Business Now

Germany Announces €2 Million Aid To Help Pakistan Combat Food Challenges

Germany has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting Pakistan in addressing food-related challenges by pledging €2 million in assistance through the World Food Program until 2027. This significant announcement was made during a special event held in Karachi last week, which celebrated the rich tapestry of art, culture, and collaboration between the two nations. Friendly Germany-Pakistan […]

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Source: DW
World Now

Berlin Court Upholds Headscarf Ban On Muslim Teachers After Nearly Two Decades

After 18 long years, the German state of Berlin has finally lifted a discriminatory policy that previously prohibited Muslim teachers from wearing headscarves. According to an official letter from the education department, teachers will now generally be allowed to wear religious symbols and headscarves, with restrictions only applicable in individual cases where such attire may […]

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