Sun 1 Muharram 1446AH
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USA’s Historic Win Against Pakistan Without Sponsorships, Brand Deals & Minimal Stipend

Source: Star Sports

In a historic upset, the USA Cricket Team defeated Pakistan in a recent T20 World Cup match. The win comes as a surprise, considering the vast difference in resources between the two teams.

American cricketers reportedly receive only $250 per day and lack major sponsorship deals, while Pakistani players enjoy lucrative salaries, endorsements, and professional league contracts.

This disparity has fueled disappointment amongst Pakistani fans, who expected a dominant performance from their well-funded team. Many fans believe the team’s resources should translate into consistent victories, making the loss to a team with significantly fewer resources even more shocking.

Also read: USA Causes Historic Upset In T20I World Cup, Beats Pakistan In Dramatic Super Over

The American win raises questions about how effectively resources are used to ensure on-field success. Pakistani fans are calling for an evaluation of their team’s approach to utilize resources more effectively and deliver better results in the future.

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