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Afghan Nationals Attack Pakistan’s Consulate, Take Down Pakistani Flag In Germany

On Sunday, the Pakistani consulate in Frankfurt was attacked by Afghan nationals who hurled stones and desecrated the Pakistani flag. The incident took place during a protest by Afghan citizens, with videos on social media showing the protesters storming the consulate, removing, and attempting to burn the flag.

Reports suggest that a group of 8 to 10 individuals participated in the attack and fled the scene after taking down the flag. German police have not yet made any arrests, though foreign media indicates several individuals have been detained and are being interrogated following the video’s circulation.

In response to the incident, Pakistan’s Foreign Office has lodged a formal protest with the German Government, demanding immediate action to uphold the provisions of the Vienna Conventions. The Pakistani government has called for stringent measures to ensure the safety and security of its diplomatic missions and staff in Germany.

Moreover, Pakistan has also urged German authorities to promptly apprehend and prosecute those responsible for the attack, emphasizing the need to address any security lapses that may have contributed to the incident.

Also read: Pakistani Women Married To Afghans Can Now Hold Dual Nationality: Peshawar High Court

German officials have assured Pakistani diplomatic representatives in Frankfurt of a thorough investigation, and the authorities are working to ensure justice is served and similar incidents are prevented in the future.

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