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Deep Fake Technology: How It Came Into Existence & The Serious Damage It Is Causing To Human Lives

Source: Study Breaks Magazine

Deep fakes, also known as deep fake videos, are synthetic or manipulated videos and images that use advanced machine learning algorithms to alter the content of media files. This technology can be used to alter faces, voices, or even entire bodies of people in videos or images.

The term “deep fake” and why it was created

The term “deep fake” was originally used to describe the use of deep learning algorithms to create realistic-looking fake videos. These algorithms use machine learning techniques to analyze large amounts of real data and then generate synthetic data that mimics the real data in appearance, sound, and other features.

Source: The Guardian
Source: The Guardian

The rise of deep fakes has raised serious ethical, legal, and social concerns. On the one hand, deep fakes have the potential to be used for creative and educational purposes, such as creating realistic special effects for movies or video games. On the other hand, deep fakes can be used to spread false information and cause harm to individuals and society.

Deep fake: The political effect

For example, deep fakes can be used to create fake videos that show politicians or public figures saying or doing things that they never actually said or did. This type of deep fake can be used to manipulate public opinion, spread false information and cause harm to individuals and society.

Source: WIRED

One of the biggest concerns about deep fakes is the potential for them to be used for political purposes. Another concern about deep fakes is the potential for them to be used for cybercrime and cyberstalking. The use of deep fakes also raises legal concerns. Currently, there are no clear laws or regulations that address the creation and use of deep fakes. This makes it difficult for law enforcement agencies to take action against individuals or organizations that use the technology for malicious purposes.

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In addition, there are no clear guidelines for how individuals or organizations can protect themselves from being the target of deep fakes.

The ongoing research

There have been efforts to develop technologies that can detect deep fakes. For example, researchers are working on developing machine learning algorithms that can analyze videos and images and determine whether they are real or fake. However, these technologies are still in the early stages of development and are not yet widely available to the public.

Source: Digital Future Society

Conclusively, deep fakes are a powerful and potentially dangerous technology that has the potential to cause harm to individuals and society. As deep fakes become more sophisticated and widespread, it will be important for society to develop clear laws and regulations that address the creation and use of deep fakes as well as technologies that can detect and prevent their malicious use.

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