Gazette Now Blog Trending Now Elon Musk Calls for Ban on Pride Flags in Classrooms
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Elon Musk Calls for Ban on Pride Flags in Classrooms

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

Elon Musk has sparked controversy by calling for a permanent ban on Pride flags in classrooms. In a viral tweet, the billionaire CEO of Tesla and SpaceX said, “Pride flags should be banned from classrooms, permanently! Time to focus on education, not agendas.”

This statement has drawn mixed reactions online. Supporters praised Musk for addressing what they view as unnecessary political displays in schools, while critics condemned his remarks as an attack on inclusivity and the LGBTQ+ community. The debate continues as educators and school boards grapple with the fallout from Musk’s comments.

The tweet quickly ignited discussions across social media, reflecting the growing cultural divide on issues of identity and representation in education. Musk, however, appears unfazed by the backlash, reinforcing his stance that classrooms should focus on academics rather than political agendas.

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This is just the latest in Musk’s controversial statements, further cementing his position as a polarizing figure in cultural debates.

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