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Investigation Begins As Elon Musk Illegally Puts A Giant Flashing “X” On Top Of Headquarters

Source: The New Yorker/NDTV

Source: The New Yorker/NDTV

A striking and unauthorized addition now adorns the building once known as the Twitter headquarters in San Francisco – a colossal flashing “X” sign that illuminates the city’s skyline.

Shining bright like a diamond

The brightness of the new sign has sparked an investigation by city officials, who assert that the company responsible failed to secure the necessary permits for such a conspicuous alteration.

The installation of the “X” sign follows the recent rebranding of the social media platform by its CEO, Elon Musk. The tech billionaire unveiled the ambitious plan to transform the platform into “X” earlier this month, envisioning it as a gateway to a new era in the realm of the “global town square.”

Also read: Twitter Took Over “@X” Handle To Rebrand Without Compensating Its Long-Time User

As the city grapples with the visual intrusion and the company’s alleged permit oversight, debates swirl about the implications of this unapproved display and how it may shape the future of the platform, now rechristened as “X.”

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