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Elon Musk’s Twitter Rebranding Faces Backlash: “X” Logo Removed Amidst Complaints & Code Violations

Source: FAZ/The Guardian

Elon Musk, the visionary CEO of various tech ventures, including Tesla and SpaceX, is known for his bold and innovative moves.

Last week, Twitter, the social media giant, rebranded to X, and Elon wasted no time replacing the iconic bird logo at the company’s San Francisco headquarters. However, this daring move was met with swift backlash from the neighbors.

The major intervention

Residents living near the headquarters took to social media to voice their frustration, sharing videos of the blinding lights emanating from the new sign, disrupting their sleep and daily routines. Complaints flooded in, prompting the San Francisco Department of Buildings to intervene.

Source: Supercar Blondie
Source: Supercar Blondie

The department notified X that the flashy sign violated the city’s building codes and, to make matters worse, it was erected without a permit. As a result, the controversial logo was promptly taken down.

Also read: Investigation Begins As Elon Musk Illegally Puts A Giant Flashing “X” On Top Of Headquarters

Elon Musk’s propensity for pushing boundaries has been both lauded and criticized, and this incident is another example of his penchant for unconventional strategies. While rebranding can be exciting, ensuring compliance with regulations and considering the impact on the community is equally essential for a harmonious outcome.

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