Gazette Now Blog Trending Now Jewish Activists Pursue Reconstruction Of Temple In Jerusalem With Rare Red Heifers
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Jewish Activists Pursue Reconstruction Of Temple In Jerusalem With Rare Red Heifers

Source: Medium

Red heifers, the rare breed of cattle with no marks or imperfections, have become a topic of interest in the Middle East, with some believing they hold the key to rebuilding the Jewish temple in Jerusalem and bringing about the Messiah.

The origins of this belief can be traced back nearly 2,000 years when the ancient Romans destroyed Jerusalem’s last temple. The Book of Numbers states that a red heifer is required for the temple’s reconstruction.

Red cows bring about the Messiah?

As per the gathered information, Yitshak Mamo, from Uvne Jerusalem, played a vital role in bringing these cows to Israel. He explained that locating these special cows took years and led him to Christian ranchers in Texas. Now, these cows graze in a secret location in the West Bank.

Source: CBS News
Source: CBS News

However, the temple’s location is now occupied by the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque, two important Islamic sites. Many Jewish activists want to reconstruct the temple, but this concept is controversial and might worsen regional tensions.

Across the United States, certain evangelical Christians hold the belief that the red heifers symbolize the second coming of Christ. They see them as a symbol of Jesus’ blood and eagerly await the temple’s reconstruction.

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While some people see these cows as pets, for others they are meant for a solemn purpose. Apparently. they are to be slaughtered on an altar overlooking the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem as part of a temple-rebuilding ceremony.

Relating to the topic, The Simpsons once aired an episode that seems oddly similar to the current situation with the red cows. The episode named ‘Apocalypse Cow’ which was first aired in 2008. Although not identical, it’s fascinating to consider.

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