Comedian Kapil Sharma, along with actor Rajpal Yadav and choreographer Remo D’Souza, has reportedly received death threats targeting them and their close ones, including family, relatives, and neighbors. Police officials confirmed the matter last week, leading to heightened concerns in Bollywood.
Amboli Police registered an FIR against an unidentified individual following a threat email received by Remo D’Souza. Similarly, Rajpal Yadav’s wife filed a complaint after the actor received comparable threats. The emails, reportedly signed “BISHNU,” are allegedly originated from Pakistan, as per initial investigations.
Adding to the alarming series of incidents, actress Sughanda Mishra also reported a similar threat and registered a non-cognizable complaint at Oshiwara Police Station.
Also read: The Great Indian Kapil Show Faces Legal Notice Over Rabindranath Tagore Remarks
The police are actively probing the matter, with the origin of the emails raising questions about potential international connections. These threats have sparked concern not only among the affected celebrities but also within the larger Bollywood community.
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