Gazette Now Blog Business Now Proposed Budget 2024-25 Includes Foreign Travel Ban For Non-Tax Filers In Pakistan
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Proposed Budget 2024-25 Includes Foreign Travel Ban For Non-Tax Filers In Pakistan

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The Pakistani government has unveiled a proposal in its new budget plan to restrict foreign travel for individuals who haven’t filed their income tax returns.

This significant move aims to improve tax compliance within the country. Exceptions are included for essential travel needs, such as religious pilgrimages (Hajj and Umrah) and educational pursuits.

The proposed legislation outlines a Rs.10 million fine for travel agencies who fail to implement these new regulations.

Also read: Pakistan’s Total Debt And Liabilities Surge To Record Rs.81 Trillion

The impact of this proposal and its effectiveness in encouraging tax filing remains to be seen. However, it signifies a clear intent from the government to address tax evasion and bolster national revenue.

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