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Virgin Australia Highlights Diversity By Hiring Staff Member With Down Syndrome

Virgin Australia proudly highlights Alle Sayers, a valued member of their Melbourne Guest Services team, who recently took the stage at the World Down Syndrome Congress in Brisbane.

Alle, who joined the company initially as a work experience intern in May, has since earned a permanent part-time position, reflecting the airline’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Her role has allowed her to advocate for the understanding and appreciation of individual uniqueness, particularly in the context of Down Syndrome. Her presence at the World Down Syndrome Congress underscores her commitment to raising awareness and fostering inclusivity.

Also read: Multinational Toy Company Mattel Launches First-Ever Barbie Doll With Down Syndrome

Virgin Australia’s decision to hire Alle is part of a broader initiative to create a more inclusive workplace where employees of all abilities can thrive. The company celebrates Alle not only for her professional contributions but also for her role in challenging stereotypes and promoting a culture of acceptance.

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